Ciao a tutti,
eccomi di nuovo fare capolino sul mio blog dopo tanto tempo, è stato un periodo difficile e triste ma la passione per il craft e i biglietti mi hanno riportato alla fine qui, a condividere con voi i miei prima di tutto vorrei ringraziarvi per il sostegno che avete continuato a darmi con le vostre visite in questo periodo di assenza.
Vi vorrei mostrare la card che ho fatto per il DT del Marvelous Magnolia challenge, oggi infatti parte una nuova sfida che ha per tema l'amore (love challenge). Il timbro di Magnolia che ho utilizzato si chiama "Sagittarius Tilda" e le carte decorate sono della Prima Marketing dalla collezione Stationer's Desk.
Hello dear all,
I'm back on my blog after a while, it has been a hard and sad time but at the end the passion for craft and cards bring me back here to share with you my works... but first of all I'd like to thank you all for the support you continued to give me with your visits during this absence.
I'd like to show you the card I made for Marvelous Magnolia challenge DT, indeed today a new challenge starts and the theme is "Love". The Magnolia stamp I've used is called "Tilda Sagittarius" and the patterned papers are by Prima Marketing from tha Stationer's Desk collection.
I would like to enter some challenges with my card:
Simply Magnolia Anything goes
Midweek Magnolia Lets see some of your New Stash (Prima papers)
Stamp and create with Magnolia Show some love
Card Mania Make it Sparkle
Please don't forget to pop over here to check out what the rest of our fabulous DT have created to inspire you and join in with our challenge
Thanks for dropping by and visit me today and for your lovely comments.
Have a nice week!!! :)

Card Mania Make it Sparkle
Please don't forget to pop over here to check out what the rest of our fabulous DT have created to inspire you and join in with our challenge
Thanks for dropping by and visit me today and for your lovely comments.
Have a nice week!!! :)